have heard some news about college and middle school class mates. some of them are doing well in their career, few already in the core management level. some just finished their higher education and have started their career freshly. and some are still pursuing much higher education.
this is great and this is what life should be like to us. we have different plans for our lives, and we get busy with our own plans. I appreciate those that have very clear goals for each period of their life, whether it’s for higher education or for career advancement. I think they are of more possibility to get higher achievement in their life whether from career perspective, or any other perspective, like family, hobby, etc.
from a border view, we can say it does not matter what each of us achieve in our own fields, what we have done, or how promising we are. what matters is we know what we are doing, why we are doing what we are doing and what we are going to do next, or what kind of people we want to become.
we are in our thirties now and generally speaking, there is a long way to go before the end of our life. there should be no limitation to what we can do and achieve in theory, either in our working career, or our interests or just hobbies. we can become professional in our hobbies, though in real life, most of us are just amateurish to our professions, and we can do quite well in many other things, even more that what we think we can do, unless we don’t want to.
it’s always lucky to have such people around so that we know we can do more and can do better.