learning is essential if we want to move to one upper level, but the opportunity of practice for what we have learnt might not be that much. more then than, we just learn what we want/need, without enough opportunities to put what we have learnt into practice, like technical skills. and when it comes to the employers, they need experience, and it’s hands-on experience that they care most.
so, that’s an endless cycle, to many, if not most, people in the workplace.
there seems two ways to go: first, wait and seek for the opportunities for what we have learnt, and most of the time, they will come at last if we don’t give up before that. second, create the opportunities ourselves, or start a new business so that we can fully put what we have learnt and what we are capable of into practice.
which one is better? don’t know. to most of us, the first one seems more practical, as not all of us have the capacity to start new business. or to some of us, some times, it’s just wait and wait, like the opportunities will never come.
and some times, we don’t need to put we have learnt into practice, at least not all of them in one opportunity. if we can be more patient, we will find more opportunities to learn something more and something new, with the help of what have already learnt and gained. even if they might look very different, having nothing to do with each other, but the core is ourselves, and as they all affect us from certain perspective, they will finally affect each other, not in a quite explicit way maybe.
young people want quick results for their efforts, and they don’t have much patience for what they are supposed to get after they have worked so hard, and are easily influenced by the final results. but when they reach to a certain age, they will probably become more patient because they come to know, most the tasks at this stage are not that easy and it takes time and even continuous efforts to get a good result. and even worse, sometimes, there is no result at all, no matter how hard they try.