MrSun's Website

A Site to Record and Share

Moving on, slowly, but without stop

setting up personal blog on WordPress is a good start, but what’s next? if we put our goals on the same levels as the experts, that will be tough, or impossible, for us to take the next step. such experts, like Kungfu masters, are quite far away from those beginners. it’s almost impossible for a person to turn into a Kungfu master soon after he starts practicing Kungfu. but he still can move on and learn new skills gradually. the sad thing is even he is skilled at the Kungfu of certain school, he might still be far from a master, but that should not stop him from practicing and learning. no all people become masters after all, but they are still insisting because that’s what they love, or that’s what they are supposed to do.

not sure if it’s the result of education system, requirements from the society, or personal environment, it seems everyone is fighting for NO. 1, and even NO.2 can not be accepted. and if it’s not the top one, then there is no meaning for hard work. this is ridiculous, and even destructive to some people, because if they can not get the top one, they might just give up from the very first beginning, or worse, turn around to the other direction.

like the old saying goes, if you are a rich person since you are born, you might never know how it feels being poor. if you never experience the hard work from the very first beginning to an expert, you might never value what you have and the work others have done to archive to the same place as you are now.

that being said, process and sometimes, hard work and wait before finally getting what you want is a good thing, and a better one from long run.