Today when I remoted to the server, I got this message: Hmm, about 10 months ago. That is embarrassing. Ok, I must have been busy in some other important thingsContinue readingIt’s been a long time
I planed to write at least 4 articles each month on this website, but I think I am going to fail at it this month. Actually looking back to theContinue readingBetter Time Management
I think bandwidth is a very good English word especially when it’s used to ask if people have the time and energy to do something. I don’t think there isContinue readingBandwidth and Du
This weekend is a busy weekend: I did some comprehensive cleaning up work for my home systems (home Linux hosts, NAS and this website host); updated these systems after backingContinue readingA Busy Weekend
It’s been a month since my last post before I am aware of it… Horrible! It always seems that we don’t have enough time to do what we want andContinue readingHow Time Flies!
It seems common that when making plans, we tend to overestimate how much time we have, what kind of resources, both from ourselves and from the environment, we can get,Continue readingConfidence and Overestimation
People often talk about the balance between life and work as if they are always competing with each other and we can only pick one way or the other. TheContinue readingBalance between Life and Work