Hey there, more than two months since my last post. i have been working on html&css&javascript by following tutorials for creating few projects because i want to get a deeperContinue readingAfter two months…
back in school, we learned what we were taught by the teachers, at their pace (or the average pace of the whole class), and more often than not, we wereContinue readingLearn New Things by Self-study
have been trying to convert one of my html website to php so that it can have dynamic functions (not sure whether this is the correct word or not asContinue readingFrom HTML to PHP
learning is easy. we follow others’ instructions and build something up. that might bring us some sense of achievement, but actually that’s the very first, or basic level of whatContinue readingLearning VS Creativity
have registered personal domain on the government website and got the permission to set up personal websites on the servers hosted in mainland China as the performance is much betterContinue readingWebsite Is Up and Running. Next Step?
i am planing to register few domains here according to the local government regulations. previously when i set up this blog website, i didn’t think it’s necessary as it’s veryContinue readingRegistering Servers for Domains
followed the tutorial to develop a personal blog website. actually, just getting the website built up is not that difficult as every part and function of the website corresponds toContinue readingWeb Developing
when it comes to big companies, they should have separate teams for the front end and the back end, and more often than not, they might have more detailed divisionContinue readingFront-end and Back-end
when it comes to new fields, be cautious and move slow unless required the other way around, because what seems quite simple and easy to others might be very difficultContinue readingNo Jump, Please!