A few years ago, when I started learning coding (from more of developer side, like Python, Javascript, etc.), I came across the DevOps concept which was very cool and attractiveContinue readingAbout Automation
Today I upgraded the host server of this blog website and also the blog framework, WordPress, to the latest version, as I planed in my last article. While I wasContinue readingTreat the hobbies professionally
Today when I remoted to the server, I got this message: Hmm, about 10 months ago. That is embarrassing. Ok, I must have been busy in some other important thingsContinue readingIt’s been a long time
I planed to write at least 4 articles each month on this website, but I think I am going to fail at it this month. Actually looking back to theContinue readingBetter Time Management
I think bandwidth is a very good English word especially when it’s used to ask if people have the time and energy to do something. I don’t think there isContinue readingBandwidth and Du
This weekend is a busy weekend: I did some comprehensive cleaning up work for my home systems (home Linux hosts, NAS and this website host); updated these systems after backingContinue readingA Busy Weekend
You worked on something new, whether it’s a new skill or a new book that’s difficult to understand, and it was kind of struggling for every step. You didn’t knowContinue readingWhen you are back to something…