You worked on something new, whether it’s a new skill or a new book that’s difficult to understand, and it was kind of struggling for every step. You didn’t knowContinue readingWhen you are back to something…
It’s been about two months since I coded last time. I have been quite busy for the past two months, with my time and energy occupied by the work andContinue readingBack to Coding
It seems common that when making plans, we tend to overestimate how much time we have, what kind of resources, both from ourselves and from the environment, we can get,Continue readingConfidence and Overestimation
People often talk about the balance between life and work as if they are always competing with each other and we can only pick one way or the other. TheContinue readingBalance between Life and Work
Today is the third day of the Labor Day public holiday. I tried to complete another task with css and js in which if I click any one of theContinue readingFlex Panel with CSS and JS
If you want to run your own website, the first steps might be to learn html, css and a little javascript, and then put all these things on a cloudContinue readingFrom HTML to PHP
I focused on JS self-study last year and managed to complete several projects, large and small, either by following the online tutorials or on my own. But this year, IContinue readingRe-starting JS Learning
Few years ago, when I decided to become more professional in IT as the direction of my career path, I went to take courses, online and in class, to learnContinue readingLEARNING WHILE TEACHING
Recently we have been working on the migration from Citrix VDI hosted in Europe and America to Azure Virtual Desktops hosted in Singapore to provide better experience for our usersContinue readingFROM CITRIX VDI TO AZURE VIRTUAL DESKTOP
One thing I have been proud of keeping since school life is reading books. At the very first beginning, I didn’t have much plan on why I read and howContinue readingREADING BOOKS