MrSun's Website

A Site to Record and Share



Wow! It’s been two years since the last update and almost four years since this site was created. It’s … much longer than I expected it would exist.

As I have gained more knowledge of coding and host management, I think it’s time for me to review and make some changes to this site to make it more organized and adopt new technologies for both the platform and also back up, etc. Will see how I can proceed with that but it feels like I will update the content more frequently with the more work to do…


It’s been a while since the last update and I can’t believe it’s more than one year already. I have been continuing learning web development (html, css, js, nodejs, etc.) the last year and running few other websites. Recently, I decided to maintain only two of them ( and moving forward and migrate them to one new host server as the other ones are going to expire soon. The plan is will be my main blog where I share some thoughts, fun experiences, some technical issues I have both at work and during my self-study, while will be where I do some tests for new functions and technologies, etc. because I notice some DNS services, especially those of foreign countries are more friendly to .com domains than .cn ones.

I didn’t have very clear purpose when I first created the website as it’s my first time running any website on the host accessible from the public internet where I can visit and make modification any time I want from any device I have. It was more of fun and trying than for what I want to do with this website. Now, I think it probably can be where I record some of my experiences, thoughts, plans, etc. and I myself manage both the front and back ends. I like writing, but most of the time it’s written in my diaries and never shared to others. But now I realize people have much in common, especially from the inner side, like what we have experienced and how we feel towards what we have experienced. And reading something related to what we have just experienced and knowing some others are having the same experience and how they think can be a big comfort to us, especially when we are not quite sure if we are right or wrong, if it’s worth doing or not.

Previously, I valued technologies (hard skills) quite much, maybe because I was new to the workspace and technologies mattered much more than anything else. But now things are changing as some soft skills start playing more important roles. It’s not just for work, but for life as well. How can we communicate to others in a better way? How can we balance different aspects well? How can we better arrange available resources to get an as good result as we can…… And I am sure we will know better what we need to learn and can learn them much more efficiently when we try to figure out those questions above, compared with the way to learn things just for those things and then to find market to put what we have learnt into practice.

Things are changing and maybe (and I am kind of sure that) some day in the future, I will think differently again and focus on something else. But I think it’s better to follow our feelings, instead of going against them, and to handle the issues and tasks we are supposed to and more importantly, to become a better me by finding out what I have missed and what I need to spend more time and energy on to handle those issues and task well.


glad to see many comments from friends i don’t know yet but who should share the same interests as myself (to be honest, i didn’t expect this as it’s very convenient whenever i want to write something down related to my learning new technologies, sometimes about life and books i have just read, etc. but this is internet and if it’s available to me wherever i am, either at home, in a coffer room, railway station, it should be available to any one else as it’s set for the public). here is my email address <> and i’d like to communicate to each and every one of you if you have something to talk or share, maybe your learning experience on this road. regards to the comments, hmm, i would say i might not reply them all one by one for now, but thanks again for your comments. see ya in the email. cheers!


not much update since the website became stable since last update as it’s just a place where i can share my thoughts. won’t try to do big changes and tests here, but will try to keep it stable as i can as i have another server and domain set up where i can search more on the technologies on web development and try to practice as much as i can.


there has not much updates since last time, just some normal system, theme, and add-in updates. recently have been very busy with the work in the company, and also was trying to better understand some other technologies, like NAS and soft routing. just think it will be much helpful to home network and private cloud for personal use. they are new to me, and as any other new things, it takes time for me to get familiar with them. also wrote some articles on my thinking to both technology and life, but it’s too private that i decided to set them as private. maybe will change my mind in the future or after this period as looking back to my diaries back in school or even several years ago, it, what looked big and vey tough to understand or make a decision now looks simple or not that worrying/troublesome. maybe this is growth. growing older, knowing more, we can accept more, or more willing to let something or some people go.

well, this should be about technology…ok, so, yeah, not too much updates yet..cheers


it is said that there are more limitations on Cloud-base host compared to the on-premise ones, like the configuration, modification, etc. which is probably true why some of the companies, especially those that need whole control on the host for their own products, websites, applications, etc. to provide better performance. and probably, there are more to those Cloud-base host for personal use than those for companies? not sure.


the video uploaded to the post failed, WITHOUT any error message. haven’t found the reason yet, maybe related to the website settings, maybe related to the too small bandwidth, maybe…. another toutu day…sucks


tried to change the size of the files that can be uploaded to the website as the default size is 2MB which is quite small for audio and video files. but no success even though tried all the methods that I can think of.

hmmm, it’s never easy with coding. what a tough day, making people toutu…


switched the language to Chinese, but it makes the whole site less beautiful, with Chinese and English content displayed in a messy way…

will try to see if can combine Chines and English is a more clean and tidy way…